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How Do you Prepare an Easy Healthy Breakfast in Your Kitchen?

How do you prepare an Easy, Healthy Breakfast in your kitchen?

This is my third blog post for Blogchatter Food Fest.  

In the first post, I detailed how we started an organic garden in our backyard to maintain a healthy, balanced diet.  

In the second post, I gave food suggestions for a balanced, healthy diet at home and promised their preparation and recipes at home. 

How do you prepare an easy, healthy breakfast in your kitchen?

Food suggestions for a healthy breakfast recipie
Food for breakfast in my kitchen, a few items from our garden.

As promised, this third post explains how to prepare an easy, Healthy Breakfast at your home.  

This is the breakfast I prepared in my kitchen, following the three steps.

So, adding the three steps together:

  •  The complex carbohydrate.  I used wholegrain bread.
  •  Lean protein from eggs. 
  • Non-starchy vegetables: tomatoes, spinach, green beans, carrot, cabbage, etc. (You can use whatever is available)
  • Unsaturated fat: a small spread of avocado or Flora ProActiv (a low saturated fat made with a rich blend of vegetable seed oils)


Step 1.  Prepare the egg.

 I prepared it as a bullseye using a teaspoon of Olive oil. 

Image of Olive oil and a skillet pan on the stove for preparing a healthy breakfast.
I use Olive oil and a skillet pan in my kitchen to prepare a healthy breakfast. 

The image of an egg bullseye for a healthy breakfast.
An egg bullseye is ready.

2. Slice and stir-fry the vegetables using a teaspoon Olive oil.

An image of vegetable stir fry preparation
Vegetables stirfry.

3. Toast the whole wheat brown bread in an electric toaster or a skillet pan.

Image of bread slices toasting in an electric toaster.
Bread toasted 

4. Slice the avocado into wedges. 

5. Serve on a plate.  Add salt and pepper to your taste and happy eating.  

Image of the healthy breakfast served on a plate.
The breakfast is ready to be served. 

I enjoy this breakfast recipe for its taste and recommended calories that I prepared following the recipe for a balanced diet I mentioned in my post above. 


I hope you like this recipe.  Please try it and let me know your reactions.  Thank you. 


  1. Is Flora ProActiv available in India?

    1. I am not sure about its availbality in India. During my visit, I haven't found it in any Kerala shops.

  2. Hmm. I will ask around and keep you posted.


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