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For Shrien Diwany, days are closing in

It is time for an update on Ani Diwani's murder case about which I wrote a post  exactly one year ago in August 2011. 
The case in summary: A young Indian bride Anni Dewani's body was found in the morning of November 14, 2010, at Khayelitsha a township near Cape town in the vehicle she had boarded the previous evening with her husband Shrien Dewani on their honey moon trip to South Africa. The cas has sparked a huge public interest in South Africa as well as internationally.

Time-line on the Annie Dewani murder case:

  • Shrien 31 and Anni 29 got married in a spectacular Hindu wedding gala at Bombay on October 29, 2010.  Shrien is British, and Anni was Sweedish.
  • The couple came to South Africa on November 9, 2010 on their honeymoon.
  • On Nov. 14, Anni was found dead in a car the couple had hired. Initially it appeared as a car highjack orchestrated by the South African criminals.    
  • On November 17 and 18, police arrested two South Africans, Xolile Mngeni 26 and Mzwamadoda Qwabe 26, in connection with the case. On November 20, Zola Tongo Shrien's driver was also arrested.
  • On 16 November 2010, an apparently grieving Shrien flew back to England with his wife's body. 
  • Tongo pleaded guilty and he was a sentenced for life imprisonment. He implicated Shrien for the murder of his wife Anni
  • For a fair trial Shrien needed to be extradited to South Africa, argued the South African legal system while his own legal team in Britain opposed it on various reasons one being his suicidal mental condition.  
  • August 11, 2011, Judge Howard Riddle made a ruling in the Belmarsh's Court in South East London that Shrien Dewani can be extradited to South Africa. He also mentioned that the case has drawn a 'strong public interest'.
  • The application for extradition was then passed on to the Home Secretary Theresa May who would make a final decision on it.
  • Shrien Dewani all these time pleaded innocence.
  • An important twist in the case happened on August 9, 2012, when 'Mziwamadoda Qwabe, one of the accused, pleaded guilty to the crime and was sentenced to 25 years behind bars'.
  • Qwebe told the court that Mngeni shot and killed Anni while he drove the hijacked car and the whole was an act masterminded by Shrien.  Earlier as part of the plan the car was highjacked and Shrien was kicked out of the car .  Before killing, Anni was robbed off all her valuables on the body that was of the value of R90,000.  And the fee for hijack Shrien had offered to the accomplice was R15,000.
  • Shrien is still in Britain, but his time to face the trial in South Africa contrary to his will is fast approaching. It was told in the court that his extradition from Britain to South Africa will have to wait until September this year. Then the case will continue.


  1. It sure is. The case has begun and lets see how it goes.

  2. Yes, that is it. But if he is truly behind this, he will get the right punishment. Here the legal system cannot be highjacked by money or influence:))

  3. Hitman: I'm sorry for Anni's death



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